!Update June 2018: Latest version of The7 already have this option.
The7 multi purpose theme have beautiful fancy header that can configure for each page/post. And the same can configure for Woocommerce category pages which is not editable from the backend buy applying fancy header for WooCommerce Terms and conditions page. But the problem is it will only return the title you have configured, will not change the title according to category pages and here is a workaround to deal with it!
1) Edit function presscore_fancy_header_controller() in ../dt-the7/inc/template-tags.php line ~ 419
$title .= '>' . wp_kses_post( $config->get('fancy_header_title') ) ) '</h1>'; to $title .= '>' . do_shortcode( wp_kses_post( $config->get('fancy_header_title') ) ). '</h1>';
2) Create a shortode that will return the page title of the current page, add this code in your functions.php
function get_pagetitle(){ return get_the_title(); } add_shortcode( 'pagetitle', 'get_pagetitle' );
Now you can use shortocode [pagetitle] in fancy header title field !
You can also use revolution slider the same way, use shortcode in the Text/Html filed in slider
happy coding !
it very help full for me
Glad it helped 🙂